Other Ways to Give

Tax ID# :  59-2321060

IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)

If you are at least age 70 ½ and have an IRA, there is a special section in the tax code just for you. A Qualified Charitable Distribution, or QCD, allows anyone aged 70½ or older on the date of the contribution to donate up to $100,000 annually to a qualified charity from their IRA without counting the amount as taxable income.

Since this $100,000 limit is per taxpayer, a married couple could each give $100,000 from their respective retirement accounts. While this provision has been in the tax code since 2009, it has become much more significant due to the 2017 tax changes. The QCD can satisfy all or part of any Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).

Funds will need to be transferred directly from your IRA to MVI for it to count as a tax-free transfer.  Your IRA administrator can send a check directly to MVI from your account.  MVI will send you an acknowledgment of the gift for your records.  IRA Charitable Rollover gifts are not tax-deductible donations.  Please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 407-859-7322 if you have made a gift, so we can be sure we have your correct contact information and the funds are designated correctly.

Account transfer or credit card

To give by account transfer (monthly only) or by credit card, visit mvi.org/give. MVI’s credit/debit card processing service charges 3% to process charges.  We then deduct 3% from credit/debit card donations.

Donations can be changed at any time by calling 407-859-7322 or by emailing [email protected].  If we have contacted you that your card is no longer valid, please visit mvi.org/give and restart the donation with current information.

If the monthly donation is from your bank account, you can choose from the following dates:  1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, or the last day of the month.

By credit/debit card, if  you have a certain day of the month you prefer for your donation to occur, please start your donation on that date by going online at www.mvi.org.   By choosing monthly, the donation will continue on that date until you cancel.   Monthly debit/credit card donations are processed every day of the month.


Checks should be made payable to Missionary Ventures International, Inc. and mailed to 1017 Maitland Center Commons Blvd Maitland, FL 32751-7205. Please include a note stating your preference for the donation.

Non-cash Donations

For stock and mutual fund donations, shares are transferred by your broker into MVI’s account.  The shares are then sold, a check is issued to MVI for the value of the stock, and the funds are designated as you choose.  An in-kind letter will be sent to you detailing your donation for tax purposes.

Stock Transfer Information:

Custodian: National Financial Services

Contact: Stonebridge Financial Planning Group, LLC    407.695.7100  for additional information or questions.

Account # H2Y335468

The DTC number for National Financial Services (NFS) is 0226.

Name on Account:  Missionary Ventures International, Inc.

Tax ID# :  59-2321060

Please Note:  When a transfer is made, it is critical to contact us with the following information:

  1. Your name and address
  2. Name and number of shares donated
  3. Purpose of the gift

This information is not given to MVI when stock is transferred, so to acknowledge the gift and designate the funds properly, we need this information from you.  You can email MVI at [email protected] with your information or give us a call at 407-859-7322.


Please call us at 407-859-7322 or email to [email protected].

Our office hours are Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 5:00 pm and Friday 8:30am to noon EST.  We are happy to assist you and answer any questions you might have.