Motorcycles for Leaders
“Partnering together to mobilize Christian leaders in reaching the nations one heart at the time.”
Every year hundreds of leaders are equipped and thousands are reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The exponential impact of mobilizing national leadership to do the work of ministry more quickly and effectively cannot be overstated!

What is Motorcycles for Leaders?
Although motorcycles represent the bulk of our transportation ministry, it is not limited to them alone. We have provided boats, bicycles, ski mobiles and even camels. Essentially, we will provide whatever is needed to bring the Good News to those who need it.
Christian Motorcyclists Association raises the funds for their partnership with MVI through a program called Run for the Son. This annual fundraiser by their membership and subsequent generous donation to MVI make it possible for us to reach the lost by providing ministry workers with the tools they need. The process works as leaders in need submit an application which is reviewed and vetted. Once a decision is made the funds are wired to the missionary host to purchase the motorcycle. The impact of these motorcycles is tracked for the period of four years. Each recipient provides an annual report of how it has impacted their community.
Run for the Son

Through Run for the Son efforts, more than 17,000 national pastors, evangelists and church planters have received gifts of transportation in 115 countries.
The efforts of these national Christian leaders result in the following annual impact per bike provided.
Horse & Buggies
Annual Impact per Bike
180 salvations
100 discipled
10 churches planted
More than 14 million people
have been saved!

These amazing results represent 35 years of ministry partnership between the Christian Motorcyclists Association and Missionary Ventures. Changing the world, one heart at a time - together!
Missionary Ventures partners with CMA, Open Doors and the Jesus Film Project in the spread of the gospel around the world. This is a collaborative effort with fundraising efforts directed through CMA’s Run for the Son campaign.
Missionary Ventures International - [email protected] | 1017 Maitland Center Commons Blvd Maitland, FL 32751-7205 | P 407.859.7322 | ©2022 Missionary Ventures International