History, Values, Beliefs

Two core values quickly emerged, a commitment to empowering national Christian leadership and a desire to mobilize the church in missions. We believe the greatest change in the world comes through relationships and empowerment. Our faith calls us to action – whether it’s to plant a church, dig a well, or build a school – and we believe that faith will change the world.

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Whether presenting the gospel for the first time, training a pastor or educating a child, we desire to see lives transformed and people grow in their recognition of the Lordship of Christ.
Read stories of changed lives
God is at work in many different ways around the world. Be encouraged as you read stories of lives that have been changed by His goodness.
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These principles drive our mission and shape our purpose:
- Knowing and loving God.
- Loving people unconditionally.
- Empowering and equipping national Christians to fulfill the Great Commission.
- All Christians are called to make disciples.
- Maintain integrity, excellence, and passion in all we do.
- Protect the dignity of those with whom we partner.
- A commitment to interdenominational ministry.
- Involvement in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20): We encourage all Christians to look beyond themselves to share the love and message of Jesus Christ, both at home and cross-culturally.
- Discipleship: we consistently ask ourselves how our ministries are empowering, equipping, and mobilizing national believers to fulfill their destiny to becoming mature in Christ, and fully functioning as Christ’s ambassadors to the world.
- Facilitate national ministry: we focus on strengthening the local church by partnering with and empowering the leadership God is raising up from among them.
- Strategic Investment: careful investment of resources into projects and programs to enhance the work of the global church in developing disciples.
- Operate a thriving headquarters and build solid financial partnerships to facilitate our mission and vision.
- We believe God the Father is loving and forgiving.
- We believe that Jesus, God’s only Son, laid down His life as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world.
- We believe that salvation is available to all who believe and confess Christ as Savior.
- We believe Jesus has called and equips all believers to go into the world to tell, as well as to demonstrate, the gospel of the kingdom of God.
- We believe the Holy Spirit dwells within the life of every believer to teach, equip, anoint, and comfort us to live the Christian life with joy, patience, and endurance.
- We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, profitable for teaching, correction, and training in righteousness, in order that Christ’s redemptive purpose can be known in the world.
- We believe the church is the organic and corporate expression of God’s purpose and love, comprised of individual believers who worship, love, and care for one another.
- We believe that discipleship is the key to effective evangelism and ministry.
- We believe that effective discipleship must comprehend and address the culture where ministry occurs.
View our International Leadership Council, Board of Directors, MVI Office Staff, and International Offices.
We don’t claim to do ministry alone. Learn more our amazing partners.
Contact Us
1017 Maitland Center Commons Blvd
Maitland, FL 32751-7205
P 407.859.7322 | F 407-790-4137
Email: [email protected]
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