Partner with Global Intent
Gift the unreached peoples of the world with an opportunity to hear the Good News of the Gospel through your contribution to Global Intent!
Global Intent is a world leader in mobilizing, equipping and mentoring tentmakers, self-supporting witnesses, to reach some of the neediest peoples on earth by integrating work and witness. We specialize in equipping tentmakers for workplace evangelism by providing them with the core ministry skills to be effective disciple-makers.
While tentmakers are self-supporting, Global Intent needs your help to fulfil its vision. Your giving covers our administrative and staffing costs, enabling us to focus on our equipping mission.
Many motivated tentmakers have little or no impact because they are inadequately prepared and lack the basic understanding and ministry skills to impact the local community abroad. Too often, they fail to produce enduring, effective disciples who multiply. Without the needed skills to be effective they return home discouraged and disillusioned. GI’s training lays a solid foundation for effective witness in the workplace, building enduring relationships, leading seeker Bible studies, and starting simple churches.
Your giving to Global Intent significantly multiplies the missionary force in some of the least reached regions of the world!
(Missionary Ventures believes in and supports the work of Global Intent. 100% of your contribution will be used to support the ministry of Global Intent.)
Missionary Ventures International - [email protected] | 1017 Maitland Center Commons Blvd Maitland, FL 32751-7205 | P 407.859.7322 | ©2022 Missionary Ventures International