Snowmobiles Start Churches In Russia
Years ago, Missionary Ventures helped young Pastor Nikolai Zalutsky, who is now a Bishop, to start a Bible school in Pskov, Russia. He had a vision to plant churches all over Russia […]
Years ago, Missionary Ventures helped young Pastor Nikolai Zalutsky, who is now a Bishop, to start a Bible school in Pskov, Russia. He had a vision to plant churches all over Russia […]
I love God stories. I’d like to tell you one story that started five years ago when we’d gone to Matagalpa, Nicaragua, to purchase the property for a school […]
Lydia’s father passed away when she was young. At 16, when she was part way through her high school, her mother became ill and she had to drop out of school for lack of fees […]
Missionaries Don and Mary Wolfram hold seminary classes in the Amazon jungles of Ecuador. “Most students are jungle tribal people with no opportunities to attend a seminary level Bible school,” says Don.
The most exciting thing happened to us this year. Salma and Elvis Garcia, who live with us and share the ministry load here […]
In 2007, after serving as a teacher at Nicaragua Christian Academy and learning more of Nicaragua’s culture and struggle, missionary Mike Deibert prayed for God’s continued call for him in Nicaragua.
Missionaries Obed and Cara Zuleta have been encouraging a local Guatemalan church to reach out in missions […]
In Oaxaca, Mexico, the youth are responding to Jesus! […]