You can make a powerful impact in the world with
regular giving to MVI's Core Mission.
Often when we look at all the problems and pain of the world we are simply overwhelmed. Yet we know that each community, each person, is unique and beloved by God. They need specific resources and specific people to be in their lives. With MVI, we build these relationships for global impact through sending short-term teams, interns for a month or more, and missionaries for a lifetime of ministry. We have also formed partnerships with many organizations, churches, and individuals. We have seen millions of lives changed as we have empowered and equipped local believers to do what God has called them to do. Through God’s grace, your gift to Core Mission allows all of this to happen.
By giving to MVI’s Core Mission, you diversify your impact and support MVI’s work around the world.
Imagine your gift, dispersed around the world to where it will have the most impact...
- A well for a struggling community…
- An education in a Christian school…
- A home for a single mother…
- A Bible for a refugee…

1000+/annually or $83+/monthly
The President’s Circle is a special group of donors who give $1,000 or more annually, or $83 or more monthly, to the Core Mission of the ministry. Whether sacrificially or out of abundance, they know the power of a significant gift. Our President’s Circle members are leaders within their communities who want to make a worldwide impact with what God has entrusted to them.

$25/monthly ($300/annually)
MVI has a long history of teams that have made a powerful and lasting impact. Team25 was created with just that in mind – a team that everyone can join and make a difference. For less than $1 a day, Team25 is a simple way to diversify your gift to make a global contribution.
What is MVI's Core Mission giving?
Core Mission giving is simply unrestricted giving to Missionary Ventures International. This can happen through single gifts or regular monthly or annually giving. This global fund allows us to have maximum impact throughout the world.
What does it do?
Missionary Ventures is a diverse organization with many missionaries serving in communities around the world. Our essence boils down to five key areas of ministry, or initiatives: Christian Education, Mobilization, Bible Training, Health and Community Development, and Church Planting. Our Core Mission giving supports all of these areas. We partner with wherever God is moving, and work to empower national leaders to do what God has called them to do.
What happens when I give?
When you join either of these giving groups, you’ll receive a welcome packet with a special introduction letter and ways to pray for MVI and the world. You’ll then receive regular communication from us about the impact of your donation, through encouraging stories, videos, and reports from the field.
What if I want to give to a specific missionary or project?
Wonderful! We love it when people are personally connected to one or more of our missionaries or projects. Your additional gifts to Core Mission only enhance the efforts of our missionaries and allow projects to move forward without delay.
Can I just give a one-time gift?
Of course. Any gift to our Core Mission fund is powerful and life changing. We are committed to the long-term, and many relationships take time and consistent effort to see fruit. So we’re asking our donors to commit long-term as they are able. We know for some, a regular commitment is not possible at this time, yet they still want to make an impact. You can give a gift of any amount, at any time.